Kids@Churchill Park uses 100% of our resources to nurture curious minds, healthy bodies and happy hearts! We are passionate about igniting children’s potential!
~ The Kids@ CP Difference ~

The Non-Profit Advantage
Think non-profit child care is synonymous with fewer resources and lower quality? Think again!
“The research examining multiple variables across jurisdictions shows that public and non-profit child care is significantly more likely to be better quality than for-profit child care” ~ Childcare Resource and Research Unit. Three UK studies rated non-profits better than for profit child care centres, including a large study, which tracked 19,000 children. They concluded that the non-profits offered “higher quality provision in almost all dimensions measured.” ~ Journal of European Social Policy.
The outcomes of Kids@ CP childcare programing is to build motivation and long-term love and passion for learning while developing lifelong skills such as problem solving, pro-social behaviours, socialization, independent and creative thinking, self-awareness and empathy. We believe that early-childhood development is enhanced through play-based learning, and ensures that as children transition through our centres, they are school ready!

Infant – 6 yrs Care Centres
At Churchill Park, we believe children are naturally curious and want to learn.

Out of School
Our role is to give kids educational experiences and independence so they can be creative in a fun learning environment.

Family Day Homes
Family Day Home programs offer quality child care for infants to twelve-year-olds in approved and monitored family day homes.

Corporate Child Care
We work with employers of all sizes to help them provide a variety of Calgary child care solutions for their employees.