

Language and Early Literacy Experiences

Language and Literacy is a strong component to our Programs. Along with daily reading, storytelling, letter and word recognition. Every child has an opportunity to engage in age appropriate and fun learning opportunities that provide the building blocks for children to become passionate learners

Early Numeracy

Our programs provide children with the opportunity to explore numbers, patterns, shape and space by working with appropriate materials and tools.

Science and Nature

Nature and science are an integral part of Kids@ CP classrooms and offer hands-on learning. The centres in each classroom offer a variety of science tools, materials and collections for children to explore and investigate. The materials chosen support science concepts based upon children’s interests.

Cultural Activities

Kids@ CP encourages children to understand and be involved in the broader community. Our program includes various ethnic and cultural activities. Pictures, manipulative toys, books, dolls, dress up clothes and music are incorporated to develop an awareness of the variety of cultures.

Social Emotional Development

Promoting the social-emotional literacy of the children – teaching them skills to become more interceptive and mindful of their emotions and how to mediate them.

Music and Movement

music is an important and fun addition to children’s day. As children move and sing, more oxygen is delivered to the brain through deeper breathing. Our educators incorporate various activities in their programming that includes singing and moving along to the music. Music enhances mood, memory and attention.

Dramatic Play

dramatic play contributes to children’s emotional, cognitive, social and physical development. It fosters language and literacy skills by incorporating rich vocabulary and opportunities to make authentic the use of new words through enacted play.

Junior Leadership Program

Kids@ CP educators take pride in providing children with the opportunity to explore their interests and build their leadership among their peers. The most effective way to do this is by allowing them to participate in leadership opportunities within their own programs.


Our programs encourage children to explore and express their thoughts and feelings through visual arts, music, drama and movement.


To ensure children’s physical growth and health, we strive to include a multitude of physical activity in our programs. Music and fitness (dance and yoga) programs are provided at the centres. These are inclusive programs facilitated through your regular parent fees. The programs are taught by professional instructors that have been trained in the various disciplines.

Kids@ Churchill Park recognizes the rapid development of the brain and cognitive skills from infant to first grade, which are responsible for the development and formation of skills related to reasoning, thinking, and understanding concepts. Our programs are developed to create opportunities to support the children’s curiosities while exploring and learning in safe environment, building skills and coordination. The materials and furniture are age-appropriate which promotes self-help and motivates independence. Children are given opportunities and time to engage in purposeful work which includes exploring language, music, movement, art, fine/gross motor activities that meet their individual developmental needs. With a mix between structured and non-structured play time, we aim to provide many opportunities for fun and safe learning.